KU Hillel Meets 100+ New Students; Welcomes Back Returning Jayhawks
The first week back to school in Lawrence is never quiet. At KU Hillel, it was a busy, exhilarating week of welcoming new and returning students alike. Students received welcome week packages detailing events and how to get to Hillel — most students chose to walk there because it is steps from campus.
Welcome Week consisted of daily programming from passing out cold brew coffee on campus to ice cream socials and a freshmen-only dinner. On Friday, we had our huge ShaBBQ, a Kosher barbecue to welcome students back to campus for the semester.
During the week, some of the KU Hillel team was on campus to greet students with coffee, popcorn and other treats during the busy schoolweek. As with every week, KU Hillel was also open for students to swing by for snacks, space to do homework, or catch up with friends.
“Welcome Week helped set the tone for an incredible semester,” said Suzy Sostrin, Executive Director. “We love creating as many opportunities as possible for our newest Jayhawks to get to know the incredible Hillel community and make friends right off the bat.”
The first event of the year started with an ice cream social at Sylas and Maddy’s with so many new students in attendance. For many first-year students, this was their first opportunity to see downtown Lawrence (rides were arranged to get everyone there safely)!
“As soon as I stepped inside Sylas and Maddy’s, I was greeted by Hillel staff and other students,” Jeremy Rosenwald, a freshman, said. “By the end of the evening, I was already finding friends. This was a great event to set up the rest of the fun week.”
Some of Hillel staff members’ dogs visited campus on Wednesday to provide much-needed pet therapy with many students who missed their family pets while away at college. That evening started the first of Hillel’s freshmen-specific programming.
Freshman Feast brought together first-year students for dinner and “KU 101.” Hillel student-leaders shared tips they have picked up over the years here and imparted their wisdom onto newly minted Jayhawks.
“As not only a freshman, but an out-of-state student, being in a new environment is hard, but Hillel definitely made this transition easier,” Alexa Schwartz, a freshman, said. “Going to the Welcome Week events made me feel welcomed and valued within the community I’m creating with other Jewish people at KU.”
Starting next week is the First-Year Fries series, which is an opportunity for freshmen to try fries all over Lawrence and build friendships while deciding which fries are the must-haves for any KU student.
The first week of classes can be overwhelming for even seasoned students, so all the KU Hillel events allowed Kate Jacobs to immediately return to campus with plenty to do.
“As not only a freshman, but an out-of-state student, being in a new environment is hard, but Hillel definitely made this transition easier.”
“Getting to meet the incoming freshmen and having the opportunity to share my knowledge about KU has been super rewarding,” Jacobs, a senior, said. “I love being able to give back to a community that has given so much to me.”
Finally, Friday marked the arrival of Shabbat and with that KU Hillel’s traditional Welcome Back Shabbat. This year it was a ShaBBQ, a Kosher barbecue and pool party on the terrace of HERE apartments — which is where Hillel is located.
Services led by KU Hillel’s talented songleader, Jake Niefeld, helped students mark the end of the week and reflect on their first few days on campus. Over 100 students started Shabbat together, an incredible number of students for the first Shabbat of the semester.
“I have always loved Shabbat so naturally the ShaBBQ was my favorite event,” Schwartz said. “We all got to join together in song during services, enjoy the delicious food and get to know more people in our not-so-little community as we welcomed a weekend of rest and relaxation.”
As the sun set over KU’s football stadium, KU Hillel students swam in the pool and lounged on chairs, chatting about classes, majors and weekend plans.
“In just the first week I’ve already made some good friends from Hillel,” Zach Rosenblatt, a freshman, said. “I can’t wait for what else Hillel has in store for this year.”