Friends of KU Hillel
We love having your students as part of our Hillel community. We strive to make KU Hillel feel like their home away from home. Learn more about what we have going on at Hillel.
Chicken Soup Hotline
When your student’s feeling sick, nothing takes better care of them than homemade kosher Chicken Soup. Fill out this form to request a soup delivery Monday-Friday during the school year.
Care Packages
Send a care package to your student! We offer a subscription of curated care packages for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Passover, and more. Sign up your student now!
Where do Jewish students live on campus?
KU students live all over campus! If you want to know about a particular dorm or apartment complex, or if you want to get connected to a student who has lived in a particular place, we’re happy to help. And if your student is looking for a roommate, we’re happy to help make connections or get the word out — send us an email!
How can I support KU Hillel?
We appreciate your generosity, and couldn’t do it without the support of parents and community members. Learn more about how to give back here or contact us.
How can I stay in the know?
Sign up for our newsletter here, and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We send out parent-specific newsletters and updates monthly. We also have a special Facebook group for KU Hillel Parents with updates.